Podcast: Daily Routines

Podcast: Daily Routines

Speaker 2

(0:00) All right, welcome everyone. (0:01) Today we’re doing a deep dive into daily routines.

Speaker 1

(0:04) Daily routines, yeah.

Speaker 2

(0:06) You know the kind of stuff we all do every day.

Speaker 1

(0:07) Every day, yep.

Speaker 2

(0:08) And I think a lot of people listening are going to be very interested to hear this because everybody’s got their own routines, right?

Speaker 1

(0:13) Of course, yeah.

Speaker 2

(0:15) And we’ve got a really cool guide that’s going to help us break it all down.

Speaker 1

(0:20) Break it down, that’s right.

Speaker 2

(0:21) So we can kind of understand all these phrases that people use when talking about their routines.

Speaker 1

(0:27) Yeah, like when they say things like, wake up, for instance.

Speaker 2

(0:30) Yeah, wake up. (0:31) It’s like, what’s that all about? (0:32) Everybody says, wake up.

Speaker 1

(0:33) Well, the guide actually makes a really interesting point about waking up versus getting up.

Speaker 2

(0:39) Okay.

Speaker 1

(0:40) It says there’s this like in between time, you know, like you’re awake but you’re not quite up yet.

Speaker 2

(0:46) You mean like when I hit the snooze button like 10 times?

Speaker 1

(0:48) Uh-huh, exactly. (0:50) That’s the space we’re talking about.

Speaker 2

(0:51) Wow, I never thought of it that way.

Speaker 1

(0:53) And the guide actually asks this question, do you get up right after waking up?

Speaker 2

(0:59) Good question.

Speaker 1

(1:01) It’s like on the surface, it seems pretty simple.

Speaker 2

(1:03) Yeah, you’d think so.

Speaker 1

(1:05) But it can actually tell you a lot about a person.

Speaker 2

(1:07) Oh, how so?

Speaker 1

(1:09) Well, like, do they jump out of bed ready to go or do they need some time to ease into the day?

Speaker 2

(1:13) I see. (1:14) So their answer can reveal something about their personality.

Speaker 1

(1:16) Right, exactly. (1:18) And then there’s hitting snooze, which I think we’re all guilty of.

Speaker 2

(1:21) Oh yeah, definitely.

Speaker 1

(1:21) The guide says it’s like a universal struggle.

Speaker 2

(1:25) Makes sense.

Speaker 1

(1:25) That feeling of wanting just five more minutes of sleep.

Speaker 2

(1:29) Oh, I know that feeling well.

Speaker 1

(1:30) But some experts say it can also be about, you know, delaying gratification.

Speaker 2

(1:35) Interesting.

Speaker 1

(1:36) Like how comfortable are you with putting things off?

Speaker 2

(1:39) So my snooze button habit might be a sign of something deeper. (1:44) I don’t know if I like where this is going.

Speaker 1

(1:46) Uh-huh, maybe. (1:47) But let’s move on to something a bit more productive.

Speaker 2

(1:50) OK, what’s next?

Speaker 1

(1:52) How about make the bed?

Speaker 2

(1:53) Make the bed. (1:54) Yeah, that’s a good one.

Speaker 1

(1:55) I’m curious. (1:56) Do you make your bed every day?

Speaker 2

(1:59) You know, I try to, but sometimes I’m just in a rush.

Speaker 1

(2:02) Well, the guide says that different cultures have different views on making the bed.

Speaker 2

(2:06) Oh, really?

Speaker 1

(2:07) Like in some places, it’s seen as super important, like a sign of discipline. (2:12) But in other places, it’s not really a big deal.

Speaker 2

(2:16) Fascinating. (2:16) So even something as simple as making the bed can have cultural significance.

Speaker 1

(2:21) Exactly. (2:22) OK, let’s head to the bathroom now.

Speaker 2

(2:23) Bathroom. (2:24) All right.

Speaker 1

(2:25) What about brush your teeth and wash your face?

Speaker 2

(2:29) Those are pretty basic, right? (2:31) Everyone does that.

Speaker 1

(2:32) You’d think so. (2:32) But even here, there can be some variations.

Speaker 2

(2:35) Like what?

Speaker 1

(2:36) Well, the guide mentions that the question, how often do you brush your teeth, can get you different answers depending on where you are in the world.

Speaker 2

(2:43) Wow. (2:44) So even hygiene habits are influenced by culture.

Speaker 1

(2:46) Totally. (2:47) And then there’s take a shower.

Speaker 2

(2:48) Ah, yes. (2:49) The great shower debate. (2:51) Morning or night.

Speaker 1

(2:52) Exactly. (2:53) The guide says that it’s influenced by all sorts of things like climate, personal preference.

Speaker 2

(2:58) Yeah. (2:58) Like some people are diehard morning shower people. (3:01) Others prefer the evening.

Speaker 1

(3:03) It’s really interesting to see how those preferences play out.

Speaker 2

(3:06) For sure. (3:07) And what about getting dressed? (3:08) I mean, that’s got to be pretty universal.

Speaker 1

(3:09) Well, yeah, we all get dressed. (3:11) But the guide points out that doing one’s hair can involve very different levels of effort.

Speaker 2

(3:16) Oh, yeah. (3:16) True. (3:17) Some people just run a brush through it.

(3:19) Others spend an hour styling it.

Speaker 1

(3:20) And that can tell you something about how much importance someone places on appearance.

Speaker 2

(3:25) It’s like their personal brand in a way.

Speaker 1

(3:27) Exactly. (3:29) OK, so we’ve gotten ready. (3:30) Now it’s time for breakfast.

Speaker 2

(3:33) Breakfast. (3:34) The most important meal of the day, as they say.

Speaker 1

(3:36) Some people say that. (3:37) Yeah.

Speaker 2

(3:37) Well, the guide talks about make breakfast versus grab a bite.

Speaker 1

(3:42) Ah, yes. (3:44) Two very different approaches.

Speaker 2

(3:45) What do you think those phrases say about a person?

Speaker 1

(3:48) I think make breakfast sounds more, I don’t know, leisurely.

Speaker 2

(3:51) Yeah. (3:52) Like they have time to enjoy the process.

Speaker 1

(3:53) Whereas grab a bite suggests a more hurried on the go lifestyle.

Speaker 2

(3:57) Right. (3:58) Like they value efficiency above all else.

Speaker 1

(4:00) And of course, we can’t forget about coffee.

Speaker 2

(4:03) Coffee. (4:03) The fuel that keeps many of us going.

Speaker 1

(4:05) Absolutely. (4:06) The guide mentions brew coffee and pour a cup of coffee.

Speaker 2

(4:10) I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

Speaker 1

(4:13) It’s a ritual for so many people, isn’t it? (4:15) That first cup of the day.

Speaker 2

(4:17) It really is. (4:18) OK, but we’ve got to get out the door eventually, right?

Speaker 1

(4:21) Right. (4:22) Pack your bag. (4:23) Leave the house.

Speaker 2

(4:24) Those are the phrases that mark the transition from home to the outside world.

Speaker 1

(4:28) And how we get to work or school is also revealing.

Speaker 2

(4:32) Like catch the bus versus drive to work.

Speaker 1

(4:35) Exactly. (4:36) Those phrases hint at different lifestyles, different priorities.

Speaker 2

(4:40) Yeah. (4:40) And for some people, the morning routine also includes dropping off kids at school.

Speaker 1

(4:44) Which adds another layer of complexity for sure.

Speaker 2

(4:47) So much to think about just in the morning routine alone.

Speaker 1

(4:50) Right. (4:50) It’s amazing how much we can learn about people just by listening to how they talk about their day.

Speaker 2

(4:56) I’m already seeing my own morning routine in a whole new light.

Speaker 1

(4:58) That’s the powder of language. (5:00) It helps us understand ourselves and the world around us in new ways.

Speaker 2

(5:03) I’m really excited to keep exploring this because we’ve only covered the morning so far, right?

Speaker 1

(5:07) That’s right. (5:07) We’ve got a whole day of routines ahead of us. (5:09) OK, so we made it through the morning.

Speaker 2

(5:11) Barely.

Speaker 1

(5:12) And now we’re stepping into the world of work or, you know… (5:16) School. (5:17) School.

(5:18) Right. (5:18) Exactly. (5:18) For some of us.

(5:19) For the younger folks out there.

Speaker 2

(5:21) Yep. (5:21) But no matter what age you are, work and school, those are kind of where daily routines…

Speaker 1

(5:27) Really take shape.

Speaker 2

(5:28) Yeah. (5:29) They really get put to the test, I think.

Speaker 1

(5:31) For sure. (5:31) Like all those good intentions you had in the morning.

Speaker 2

(5:34) Right. (5:34) Like, I’m going to be so productive today.

Speaker 1

(5:37) Exactly. (5:37) And then life happens.

Speaker 2

(5:39) Life always happens. (5:40) Right. (5:41) So what kinds of phrases does our guide have for the work or school day?

Speaker 1

(5:47) Well, we had to start with a classic, right? (5:49) Clock in. (5:50) Clock in.

(5:50) Yep. (5:51) I mean, it seems simple, but when you think about it, it’s kind of a loaded phrase.

Speaker 2

(5:55) Oh, yeah. (5:55) How so?

Speaker 1

(5:56) Well, the guide points out that it’s like drawing a line in the sand.

Speaker 2

(5:59) Between…

Speaker 1

(6:00) Your personal time and your professional time.

Speaker 2

(6:02) I like that.

Speaker 1

(6:03) Or, you know, your school time if you’re a student.

Speaker 2

(6:06) Makes sense. (6:06) Like you’re stepping into a different role.

Speaker 1

(6:07) Exactly. (6:08) It’s like a ritual almost.

Speaker 2

(6:09) Then after you clock in, you start work.

Speaker 1

(6:12) Right. (6:12) And that’s more about the mental shift.

Speaker 2

(6:14) Like getting into work mode.

Speaker 1

(6:15) Yeah. (6:16) Like, okay, time to focus.

Speaker 2

(6:17) Focus. (6:18) Yep. (6:18) Game face on.

Speaker 1

(6:19) Exactly. (6:20) And the guide actually has some other phrases for this too, like get down to business.

Speaker 2

(6:24) Oh, yeah. (6:25) I like that one.

Speaker 1

(6:25) Or for students, it might be hit the books.

Speaker 2

(6:28) So it’s not just about physically being at work or school.

Speaker 1

(6:32) It’s about like mentally engaging with what you need to do.

Speaker 2

(6:35) The intention.

Speaker 1

(6:36) Right. (6:36) Exactly.

Speaker 2

(6:37) Exactly.

Speaker 1

(6:38) Okay. (6:38) So we’re clocked in. (6:39) We’re focused.

(6:40) What’s next?

Speaker 2

(6:41) I mean, you can’t talk about work or school without talking about meetings.

Speaker 1

(6:44) Meetings. (6:45) Oh, boy.

Speaker 2

(6:45) I know. (6:46) Everyone’s favorite, right?

Speaker 1

(6:47) The guide actually mentions a bunch of phrases here, like attend a meeting, take notes.

Speaker 2

(6:52) Yep. (6:52) Those are the basics.

Speaker 1

(6:53) But it also talks about like sit through a meeting or even suffer through a meeting.

Speaker 2

(6:58) Okay. (6:58) Yeah. (6:58) Those definitely capture a certain feeling.

Speaker 1

(7:00) Right. (7:01) Because let’s be honest, sometimes meetings can be a bit of a drag.

Speaker 2

(7:04) Ah, I think we’ve all been there.

Speaker 1

(7:05) But the guide also points out that meetings can be productive.

Speaker 2

(7:09) Of course. (7:10) Yeah.

Speaker 1

(7:10) Like when you have a good brainstorming session or, you know.

Speaker 2

(7:14) You actually get stuff done.

Speaker 1

(7:15) Exactly. (7:16) So it also has phrases like have a productive meeting or brainstorm ideas.

Speaker 2

(7:21) So it’s not just about the meeting itself.

Speaker 1

(7:23) It’s about your attitude going into it.

Speaker 2

(7:25) And the language you use to describe it.

Speaker 1

(7:27) Exactly. (7:28) Okay. (7:29) So meetings are out of the way.

(7:30) Now we can actually get some work done.

Speaker 2

(7:31) Let’s hope so. (7:32) What kind of phrases does the guide use for that?

Speaker 1

(7:34) Well, it talks about follow up on tasks. (7:37) Wow. (7:37) And work on a project.

Speaker 2

(7:39) Very action oriented.

Speaker 1

(7:40) Right. (7:41) Like you’re making progress, you know.

Speaker 2

(7:43) Yeah. (7:43) Like checking things off the to-do list.

Speaker 1

(7:45) And speaking of to-do list, it also mentions stay on track and meet deadlines. (7:49) Ah, yes.

Speaker 2

(7:51) The pressure of deadlines. (7:52) Always looming. (7:53) Right.

(7:53) Always. (7:54) And of course, there’s all the communication that goes on during the workday.

Speaker 1

(7:57) Communication. (7:58) Yeah. (7:58) It never ends.

Speaker 2

(7:59) Like check emails.

Speaker 1

(8:00) Respond to emails.

Speaker 2

(8:01) Think a phone call.

Speaker 1

(8:02) Yeah. (8:02) All those emails and calls.

Speaker 2

(8:04) It’s like we’re constantly connected these days.

Speaker 1

(8:06) That’s the nature of the modern workplace, I guess.

Speaker 2

(8:08) Or school too, probably.

Speaker 1

(8:10) Right. (8:10) Especially with all the online platforms and stuff.

Speaker 2

(8:13) The guide even mentions things like send a text and join a video conference. (8:17) Yeah.

Speaker 1

(8:18) Technology has definitely changed the way we work and learn.

Speaker 2

(8:22) It’s crazy to think about how quickly those phrases have become so commonplace.

Speaker 1

(8:26) It’s just part of our vocabulary now.

Speaker 2

(8:29) But even with all this hustle and bustle, we still got to take breaks.

Speaker 1

(8:33) Right. (8:33) It’s our essential.

Speaker 2

(8:34) Essential. (8:35) Yeah. (8:35) For our sanity.

Speaker 1

(8:36) For sure. (8:37) So the guide mentions things like grab a coffee, take a break, have a snack.

Speaker 2

(8:41) Those are the little things that keep us going.

Speaker 1

(8:43) And it’s not just about the physical break either.

Speaker 2

(8:45) Oh yeah. (8:46) You got to give your brain a break too.

Speaker 1

(8:47) Right. (8:48) Like the guide says clear your head or step away from the computer.

Speaker 2

(8:51) Just detach for a bit.

Speaker 1

(8:53) Exactly. (8:54) And then finally, the workday comes to an end.

Speaker 2

(8:56) Thank goodness.

Speaker 1

(8:57) We clock out and head home.

Speaker 2

(8:59) It’s like that reverse ritual.

Speaker 1

(9:00) Yeah. (9:01) You’re transitioning back to your personal life.

Speaker 2

(9:03) Shedding that work or school persona.

Speaker 1

(9:06) Right. (9:06) Like you’re putting on a different hat.

Speaker 2

(9:08) What kind of phrases capture that feeling?

Speaker 1

(9:10) Well, the guide has things like unwind after work or decompress from a long day.

Speaker 2

(9:17) It’s about letting go of all that stress.

Speaker 1

(9:19) And shifting your focus to things you enjoy.

Speaker 2

(9:22) Spending time with family and friends. (9:24) Pursuing hobbies.

Speaker 1

(9:25) Exactly. (9:26) Creating those boundaries between work and life.

Speaker 2

(9:29) I think that’s so important, especially in today’s world, where it’s so easy to be always on.

Speaker 1

(9:34) It’s about finding that balance.

Speaker 2

(9:36) Which leads us to the evening routine, right?

Speaker 1

(9:39) The evening routine. (9:40) Yes. (9:40) Where we can finally relax and recharge.

Speaker 2

(9:43) Sounds good to me. (9:44) Let’s dive in. (9:45) Okay.

(9:46) So we’ve made it through the morning rush, powered through the workday or school day. (9:50) And now it’s…

Speaker 1

(9:51) Evening time.

Speaker 2

(9:52) Evening time. (9:52) That’s right. (9:53) The time to finally unwind and kind of…

Speaker 1

(9:55) Decompress.

Speaker 2

(9:55) Yeah. (9:56) Decompress and just sort of get back to ourselves.

Speaker 1

(9:58) Exactly. (9:58) Those evening routines.

Speaker 2

(9:59) Evening routines. (10:00) They’re important, aren’t they?

Speaker 1

(10:01) Absolutely. (10:02) And our guide has a whole section on those everyday phrases that we use.

Speaker 2

(10:07) To talk about those routines, right?

Speaker 1

(10:08) I like how we wind down and recharge.

Speaker 2

(10:10) Okay. (10:11) Well, I’m intrigued. (10:13) What kind of phrases are we talking about here?

Speaker 1

(10:15) Well, we got to start with dinner.

Speaker 2

(10:17) Dinner, of course. (10:18) The heart of the evening.

Speaker 1

(10:19) The guide mentions things like cook dinner, set the table, you know, the classic.

Speaker 2

(10:24) Eat dinner. (10:25) Yeah. (10:25) Those are pretty self-explanatory.

Speaker 1

(10:27) They are. (10:27) But the guide points out that they often represent more than just the act of eating.

Speaker 2

(10:33) Oh, how so?

Speaker 1

(10:34) It’s about like family time, you know.

Speaker 2

(10:38) Togetherness.

Speaker 1

(10:39) Togetherness. (10:39) Exactly. (10:40) Sharing traditions, connecting with loved ones.

Speaker 2

(10:43) Ah, I see. (10:43) So it’s not just about the food.

Speaker 1

(10:45) Right. (10:45) It’s about the whole experience.

Speaker 2

(10:46) The social aspect of it.

Speaker 1

(10:48) Exactly. (10:48) And the guide even uses phrases like family dinner or, you know, home cooked meal.

Speaker 2

(10:54) Those definitely have a certain warmth to them.

Speaker 1

(10:56) Right. (10:56) They evoke a sense of belonging and comfort.

Speaker 2

(10:59) Yeah, I get that. (11:00) But of course, dinner is often followed by…

Speaker 1

(11:02) The dreaded dishes.

Speaker 2

(11:04) Dishes. (11:04) Yes. (11:05) Not my favorite part of the evening.

Speaker 1

(11:06) The guide actually has some interesting phrases for this, too. (11:09) Like, you know, do the dishes.

Speaker 2

(11:11) Clean up.

Speaker 1

(11:12) But it also talks about things like tidy up the kitchen.

Speaker 2

(11:15) Oh, OK. (11:15) Or even put everything in its place.

Speaker 1

(11:17) Those sound a little bit more…

Speaker 2

(11:19) Mindful.

Speaker 1

(11:19) Yeah, mindful. (11:20) Like you’re creating a sense of order.

Speaker 2

(11:22) Exactly. (11:22) It’s about finding satisfaction in those everyday tasks.

Speaker 1

(11:25) OK, so we’ve cooked dinner, cleaned up. (11:27) Now it’s finally time to relax.

Speaker 2

(11:30) Relaxation time.

Speaker 1

(11:31) What kind of phrases capture those evening wind down activities?

Speaker 2

(11:35) Well, the guide has a whole range of options.

Speaker 1

(11:37) Right.

Speaker 2

(11:38) Like passive things like watch TV.

Speaker 1

(11:41) Oh, yeah, that’s a classic.

Speaker 2

(11:43) Catch up on a show, read a book.

Speaker 1

(11:45) Those are all good ones.

Speaker 2

(11:46) And then there’s more active stuff, too, like go for a walk or exercise at home.

Speaker 1

(11:52) So something for everyone.

Speaker 2

(11:53) Exactly. (11:54) And of course, we can’t forget about technology. (11:57) Technology, right.

(11:57) It’s a big part of our evening routines these days.

Speaker 1

(11:59) The guide mentions things like scroll through social media. (12:02) Yep.

Speaker 2

(12:03) And binge watch a series.

Speaker 1

(12:05) Guilty as charged.

Speaker 2

(12:06) Ah, me too. (12:08) It’s so easy to get sucked in.

Speaker 1

(12:10) It is. (12:11) But I guess the key is to find a balance.

Speaker 2

(12:13) That’s right. (12:13) To use technology in a way that enhances our lives.

Speaker 1

(12:16) Rather than taking over. (12:18) Exactly. (12:19) And the guide actually mentioned some really great ways to use technology for good.

(12:23) Right. (12:24) Like video chat with friends.

Speaker 2

(12:26) Oh, yeah, that’s a great way to stay connected.

Speaker 1

(12:28) Or learn a new skill online.

Speaker 2

(12:30) You can find anything online these days.

Speaker 1

(12:32) It’s pretty amazing. (12:34) And speaking of things that are good for us, the guide also talks about…

Speaker 2

(12:37) Self-care.

Speaker 1

(12:38) Self-care, right.

Speaker 2

(12:39) It’s important. (12:40) Essential. (12:41) Like what kind of phrases fall under that category?

Speaker 1

(12:43) Well, it mentions write in a journal.

Speaker 2

(12:45) Ooh, that’s a good one.

Speaker 1

(12:47) Meditate for a while.

Speaker 2

(12:48) Yeah, those are both great for mental well-being.

Speaker 1

(12:51) Exactly. (12:52) And even little things like take a relaxing bath.

Speaker 2

(12:55) Or listen to calming music.

Speaker 1

(12:57) Exactly. (12:58) It’s about creating those moments of peace.

Speaker 2

(13:01) Those little rituals that help us recharge.

Speaker 1

(13:03) Right. (13:03) And then as the evening winds down, we start to think about… (13:07) Bedtime.

(13:08) Bedtime, yes. (13:09) The guide mentions things like go to bed early.

Speaker 2

(13:12) Wind down before bed.

Speaker 1

(13:13) Those sound so inviting, don’t they?

Speaker 2

(13:15) They really do. (13:16) I know I always feel better when I get a good night’s sleep.

Speaker 1

(13:19) Sleep is so important.

Speaker 2

(13:20) Absolutely. (13:21) But sometimes it’s hard to switch off, you know.

Speaker 1

(13:23) I know what you mean, but the guide has some tips for that too.

Speaker 2

(13:27) Like what?

Speaker 1

(13:28) Well, it talks about establishing a consistent sleep schedule.

Speaker 2

(13:32) That makes sense.

Speaker 1

(13:33) And creating a calming bedtime ritual.

Speaker 2

(13:36) I like that.

Speaker 1

(13:37) And of course, minimizing screen time before bed.

Speaker 2

(13:40) Yeah, that’s always a good one.

Speaker 1

(13:41) So it gives examples like dim the lights.

Speaker 2

(13:44) Read a few pages.

Speaker 1

(13:45) Or listen to a sleep meditation.

Speaker 2

(13:47) Those all sound incredibly relaxing.

Speaker 1

(13:50) Right. (13:50) It’s about setting the stage for a restful night.

Speaker 2

(13:53) Okay, so we’ve covered the main parts of the evening routine.

Speaker 1

(13:56) We have, yeah. (13:56) But there’s one more category I want to mention.

Speaker 2

(13:58) Oh, what’s that?

Speaker 1

(13:59) The guide calls it miscellaneous.

Speaker 2

(14:01) Miscellaneous. (14:02) Okay, what’s that all about?

Speaker 1

(14:03) It’s like a catch-all for those phrases that don’t neatly fit into the other categories. (14:08) Things like check the weather.

Speaker 2

(14:10) Pay the bills.

Speaker 1

(14:11) Charge your phone.

Speaker 2

(14:12) Okay, yeah. (14:12) Those are all things we do.

Speaker 1

(14:14) They might seem mundane, but they’re part of our daily lives nonetheless.

Speaker 2

(14:18) It’s like those little things that keep everything running smoothly.

Speaker 1

(14:20) Exactly. (14:21) And the guide points out that even these seemingly insignificant actions can contribute to a meaningful life.

Speaker 2

(14:28) I like that. (14:29) It’s about finding purpose in the everyday.

Speaker 1

(14:31) Right. (14:31) It’s about recognizing the value in all the things we do, big or small.

Speaker 2

(14:36) This whole deep dive has really made me think about my daily routines in a whole new way.

Speaker 1

(14:40) That’s what we were hoping for.

Speaker 2

(14:42) And to our listener, we hope you’ve enjoyed this exploration too, and that you’ll take a moment to appreciate the language that shapes your own daily life. (14:49) Thanks for joining us

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