Write a newspaper article – Elementary level

10 Elementary Essays.

Topic: Write a newspaper article about something that everybody is currently talking about.

Write at least 200 words.

The floods and the loss – Elementary essay.

Recently, flood has become a more and more popular topic all over our country. A week ago, there were some storms that hit our country and they resulted in raining a lot. That caused flooding in some central cities, and provinces in Viet Nam., especially, some provinces and cities in central Vietnam.

People in these places had to face a lot of challenges. They were experiencing the most severe floods in decades. The death toll rose to over 100 people with over 20 people missing. A lot of hectares of food crops were submerged and thousands of cattle and poultry were killed or swept away.

Houses and properties were damaged or destroyed completely by the floods. In addition, continuously heavy rain caused some landfalls which took place in some remote and mountainous areas. The landfall covered some villages and buried dozens of people, which made the death tool and the damage increase instantly.

Rescue teams were working around the clock, helping the victims and searching for the missing people. Any help from the public would be appreciated. People all over the country donated money, clothes, food, water…to those in need. More and more volunteers took the initiative to these flooding areas.

Written: Nguyen Huong – Binh Long

Successful escape of a burglar – Elementary essay.

On 3rd , September, 2019, one famous painting was stolen from a mansion in Boston. A painting by Picasso with worth of 2 million dollars if sold at auction. Finch, a burglar jumped over the wall and broke into the house by cutting the lock at night .He looked around to find something valuable and discovered a painting on the wall.

He used a knife to take the painting of the frame. While he was doing it , the monkey appeared and screamed. The light was turned on immediately. The thief was in panic. He quickly ran out of the house and climbed over the wall to escape. After that, he arrived at the airport to check in. The plane took off and landed in New York.

Then he took out his suitcase and golf clubs. While he was walking out the platform, suddenly, the custom officers stopped him and asked him to the security room to check his luggage. Although the custom officers tried to check all his stuff to look for the painting, there was nothing to find out. They reluctantly let him go out with great doubt. So, they decided to plan to follow him.

In the end, the thief stole valuable painting successfully without any evidence.

Written: Thanh Duong – Binh Long


On 20th May, 2000, a valuable painting was stolen from the wall of Brown’s mansion in suburb of London. At 3 a.m, an art thief, John Adams, broke into the garden by climbing over the wall. At that time, the security guards were walking outside the mansion. After he had broken the lock and opened the door, he took the painting off the wall with a knife.

Suddenly, the alarm went off, the security guards ran into the house. However, he brought his gun and quickly ran to the back door. His fellow was waiting outside, they escaped in a car.

After that, he checked in Heathrow airport. The customs officers suspected him but they could find nothing. The police looked for evidences for 2 years. He became the most wanted man all over the world but wasn’t found. Two years later, he was arrested in the north suburb of Oslo when he was wearing dark glasses and waiting to buy fastfood in a small bakery.

The painting was found undamaged at a hotel of Oslo, police said. Before this robbery, John Adams had made 3 successful art theft in France, Germany and Italy. He was sentenced 25 years in prison

Written: Pham Thi Ngoc Thuy

Nearly successful robbery – Elementary essay.

The story was that on December 16th 2015, a man called Tinny broke into a villa by climbing over the fence. Next, he broke the lock and came into the house. While he was cutting the painting that he took off a wall out off the frame, the guard dog saw him and barked. He immediately tried to escape from the house by jumping over the wall. Later, he checked in at an airport. The security guards there seemed to be informed about the robbery, so they stopped him and checked his luggage, but they didn’t find the stolen painting.

Because of this, they kept an eye on him. However, when he arrived home, he realized that he was being followed, so he tried to hide it. After thinking twice, he decided to dig a hole and bury the painting into the ground in his house’s garden. One year later, he met an art collector, and they agreed to meet at his house for trading the painting. While they were exchanging the picture, the police suddenly appeared and arrested him with the stolen painting. In the end, he was sent to prison for three years. After being released from the jail, he learnt a good lesson that he should never do anything illegal.

Written: Phi Thuan – Phu Rieng

Kieu’s Story of Nguyen Du – Elementary essay.

On 15th April, 2010, Nguyen Du’s Kieu story, one of the most famous books in the national library, was stolen from there where there was tight security for the famous works which were considered as nation’s precious things. At first, the police thought one of the clecks might have stolen the book or one of the visitors, but two days after the theft, they arrested the poet, Koetee.

However, he was released when police couldn’t find out any evidence that he had committed the crime. one week later, the real thief , ChaneXien, was a famous writer came frome China. He had been to Vietnam for excursion and visited the national library at that day. He had stolen the book during without clecks’ observation of the library, because he enjoyed reading NguyenDu’s works, especially,” Kieu story”. After that he paid a visit to Ho Chi Minh City and was arrested. Because the police watched the images in camera. He had planned to take it to China. He wanted to copy it into many other books to offer his friends.

The public was so excited at the news of finding the ” Kieu story” that the book was displayed again in National Library where the work was stolen after a week.

Written: Dang Truong – Bu Dang

The art thief And his fantastic escape – Elementary essay.

At 3 am 21 August 1911 the clever art thief, named Finch broke into the mansion successfully and fast stole Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, one of the famous painting in the world. At first he climbed over the wall and walked around outside the house but later he unlocked the door and stole the picture. Moreover he used a knife to remove the painting out of the frame in order to bring along it easily.

No matter how the monkey screamed, the house owner woke up, the light came out, he still took the painting off the wall in the mansion safely. The next day he checked in at the airport and he hid the painting in his golf clubs. He was not only stopped by the airport security guard but also searched his bags and clothes by the customs officers. However, they could not find anything.

In the end the suspected thief escaped successfully one more time. The customs officers kept following him determined to find the stolen painting.

Written: Nguyen Oanh – Dong Phu

A diamond necklace stolen – Elementary essay.

On 15th October, 1994, a diamond necklace , one of the most valuable necklaces of the famous jewelry shop in Italy was stolen. The robbery happened at 2:00 am and the thief was very fast. The alarms went off but the thief left before the security guard arrived. At first, the security guard thought one of the guards might have stolen the diamond necklace, but one month later after the robbery. the real thief, Vincenzo Peter was arrested at his house. He has planned to return the diamond necklace to his house about for two months.

Peter was a poor worker at a small company in his town. He had stolen that necklace because his mother was terminal cancer so that he needed a large of money to buy medicines and pay for cost in hospital where his mother was treating. What a piteous thief! The following days after the robbery happened, the police checked his house to find evidences but the necklace was not at his house. A few days earlier his mother came back from hospital and found the necklace under his bed. then she took it far from home about 20 kilometers. she buried the necklace under the ground. soon after the police took a dog guard to find out some traces.

Finally, the police found the diamond necklace and the thief had been in prison for 8 years.

Written: Kieu Trang

A BOY IN THE FLOOD – Elementary essay.

On 25th October 2020, when the canoe of the relief team was being rowed into the flood area of Hong Thuy village in Quang Binh province, they saw a boy swimming to the boat to get some food from them. Immediately, one of the members on the boat quickly jumped into the water and helped the boy reach the boat. The boy said that his name was An, he was 8 years old and his family was in the next village. They were quite far from here.

When he heard about the volunteers would give people some food, he tried to swim as quickly as possible to get the food for his family. His family and people around him were so hungry and thirsty, and they couldn’t go anywhere because his village was sunk under the water. There were many children and old people there. They really needed help. Everyone was so emotional about the brave boy. In the end, they took him to his home and gave people a lot of food and drink.

Everyone was so happy to see the volunteers. They would take all people to the safe area in a moment.

Written: Thanh Thuy

Small child kidnaped  – Elementary essay.

On 15th September, 2019, Mrs. Brown Smith, a widow living in Texas, claimed that her son disappeared while he was playing with his peers in her neighborhood. At first, the inspectors thought he followed one of his friends to the church, but more than 12 hours after the disappearance, they discovered some strange footprints on the land. Two days later, a man, known as a kidnapper, phoned Mrs. Brown to require a big ransom if she wanted to meet her son again.

The inspectors investigated the data source about the call and searched all contradictory relationships with the widow. Because of this, they localized the suspected man and planned to save the child. In the end, while the widow was bringing the ransom to the kidnaped, he was caught by the inspectors and he was forced to release the boy. Luckily, the child returned in his mother’s arm safely. the public was excited at the news of rescuing the boy successfully and they completely agreed that the kidnaped must be sentenced for 5 years in prison.

Many citizens in Texas summitted a report to local government with their petition that leaders should pass strict laws to punish kidnappers and give safe environment for all of households there.

Written: Kim Lien

An unexpected meeting between a thief and a monkey – Elementary essay.

On 21st August, 1911, at 3am, a thief called Finch. He broke into a mansion to get one of the most famous paintings in the world. First, he climbed over the wall, looked around and unlocked the door. Second, he entered the room then looked around and took off the painting on from the wall. After that, he used a small knife to remove the painting out of the frames.

However, the monkey appeared and looked at him amazingly with loud screams when the light was turned on brightly. After that, he ran out of the room and climbed over the fence to escape. Two days later, he flew to Romania with his painting, when the plane landed at the airport, the security guards asked him to follow him to check his luggage. They told him to open his luggage and his clothes were taken off, too. Finch looked around with curious eyes while his luggage were being checked, but they did not find out the most painting. He thought everything was alright.

In the end, they didn’t find out the evidence to accuse Finch for stealing a famous painting. He was freed and he went out of the room comfortably.

Written: Tien Luc

AN UNLUCKY BURGLAR – Elementary Essay.

One night, at 12 p.m on January 2019 in London, a thief named Finch broke into a mansion to steal a valuable painting. In the beginning he broke the lock and opened the door while the householders were sleeping soundly. Then he used a knife to remove the painting on the wall.

However while he was holding the painting and looking around to find the other things, a monkey appeared and screamed to wake up the householders. The thief was so scared that he ran out by climbing over the wall again. After escaping successfully from the mansion, he left his house for another place, Romania city with his painting. But at the airport, all of a sudden, the customs officers stopped him to find the painting but they found nothing but his clothes.

Finally the policeman had to let him go and planned to follow him afterward. When returning home safely with the painting, he didn’t kown that a few days later his mother found out the painting under the bed and burnt it with the hope to destroy the evidence and protect her son from guilt. In the end, the police came and the thief was arrested and put in jail in 20 years. What a poor burglar!

Written: Ngoc Oanh

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